Le Magazine
Is the housewife under 50 dead ?

“Digital mom” is about to dethrone the housewife under 50 in the heart of advertisers. According to a study released in the end of April and realized by WebMediaGroup and KR Media, over 8.7 million French women are addicted to e-commerce.
8.7 million people in France, which means 17% of the population over 15 and more. And not so far from the 10.7 million housewives under 50.
Advertisers are now paying the utmost attention to this overwhelmingly and valuable target. They have key insights and statistics – for the first time in France – to help clients better understand the impact of new media consumption for the “digital mom”.
How looks like a “French digital mom” ? She is 40, works and lives in Paris area and she is connected to the Internet at least once a day.
In the family of digital moms, you can find four profiles:
- 18% are “practical digital moms”: they are connected to the web for reading their emails, they use search engines to gather information, but they don’t buy anything.
- 28% are “shopping digital moms”: they make their purchases on line, do some administrative procedures…
- 30% are “social digital moms” : they love the playful side of the web, are “mommy bloggers”, social networkers and join existing communities online.
- Last but not least, “social et shopping digital moms” (24%) : chats, communities, shopping, they are generating opinions and buzz.
The study is quite interesting, but actually the concept of “digital mom” is not new ! In UK, studies released in 2009 showed mothers connected to a network had risen from 11 to 63% in six years.
“Digital mom” is trendy : the magazine Stratégies made its cover with it and the phenomenon is now analyzed in several newspapers like Libération, l’Express, Le Nouvel Observateur.
If you find some fancy and original ads about digital moms, you can post pictures and videos on our Facebook Page : http://www.facebook.com/elaee
(Sources : Médiamétrie)
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Toute peine mérite salaire
Rémunération, salaire, paie… autant de gros mots qui sont tabous en France, même dans les métiers de la création, de la communication, du marketing et du digital.